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moon glow (i’m living in the past)
月光  detail>>
living in cloud under the moon
月地云居  detail>>
i am the living legacy
我活的遗产  detail>>
dying i will pray to the moon
垂死的我只能祈求去往月球 及我消亡之时 我祈祷能飞向月亮 死亡来临  detail>>
i am aiming for the moon
我要上天揽月  detail>>
i see the moon
我看着月亮 月上眉梢  detail>>
i sing with the moon to ramble
我歌月徘徊  detail>>
i want to see the moon
想要看明月  detail>>
once i held a moon
我曾经拥有一个男人  detail>>
the splendid moon i see
壮观的月亮我看见  detail>>
i am the ghost of warcraft past
我是魔兽之幽灵  detail>>
i was living to run and running to live
我是住办  detail>>
i’m living on a shoestring budget
我好穷  detail>>
i’m living to love you
我活着就是为了爱你 我活着就是要爱你 我活着是为了爱你  detail>>
yes i have a sister living there
我有一个姐姐在那儿住  detail>>
i never knew but i was living in vain
我从未想过,会落到那般境地  detail>>
i see the same side of the moon
我看见了月亮的同一面  detail>>
i’ll give you the moon
我会把月都给你  detail>>